Paolo Pesce was born in Venice(Italy)
He graduated at Liceo Artistico of Treviso.
Participate in the course "La musica nel film" held by Ennio Morricone at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena.
After having studied piano and composition, in 1998 he started the collaboration with the “Gruppo Strumentale Veneto ”playing aproximately with them in two hundred concerts in the most important venues around the world including Las Vegas, Beijing, Moscow, and the most important European cities.
Writes issues for the instrumental ensemble "Venice Light Orchestra", a group between the symphonic genre and World music, where the ancient and the modern styles blends, giving birth to an unprecedented style.
The tour "Riflessi Sinfonici" (title of the first CD of the group) is the result of this creative process, a path into the five continents throught an ambience rich of charm.
Writes the soundtrack of "LOT 2005" a documentary on the exploration of underwater caves as far as France.
Write a song for the event "Gran Gala Ciclistico Internazionale"
He writes and arranges for many Italian singers
Visual Concert "Myths & Legends", which includes the participation of a singer.
The most fascinating adventures of history are reinterpreted with visual effects and issues of great emotional intensity, conveying to the public in different atmospheres.